Financial Audit & Attestation Services
We offer a full range of audits and financial reporting that you can provide to management, investors, lending institutions, sureties, or government entities. Serving the greater Washington, DC area.
Our Services
We provide three types of financial reporting—an audit, review, or compilation. Each represents a different level of assurance on the propriety of the financial statements in compliance with the Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Financial Audit
A financial audit is an intensive examination of your company’s systems and records and provides the highest level of assurance. We examine your records and financial statements closely so we can express an opinion on whether the financial statements fairly present your company’s financial position. We do this in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
We’ve audited firms of all sizes, including small and medium sized businesses with revenue ranging from less than one million to over hundreds of millions. Our team is also experienced in governmental audits (Yellow Book audits), non-profit audits (Single audits/A-133 audits), educational institutions, forensic audits, employee benefit plan audits, and retirement plan audits.
Each audit includes a management advisory letter that’s written in layman’s terms. It includes interpretations of the financial statements (if necessary), along with any suggestions we have, such as recommendations for improving internal controls. We meet with your management personally to present our report and answer questions.
A review provides limited assurance that the financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. We make inquiries concerning financial, operating and contractual information, apply analytical procedures, and hold discussions with appropriate officials.
A review can be used by management or third parties, and is generally considered more beneficial than a compilation service, but not as beneficial as an audit.
A compilation consists of financial statements prepared by an accountant that is outside of the company. Simply put, you provide us with your data and we prepare your financial statements without any auditing or review.
Agreed-Upon Procedures
Maybe you don’t need an audit, review, or compilation. Perhaps you just want a third-party examination of specific business processes or procedures and a report on the factual findings. Agreed-Upon Procedures do just that.
Forensic Audit
If you suspect illegal financial activity in your business, such as fraud or embezzlement, a forensic audit can help uncover it and provide you with evidence that can potentially be used in court.
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Who We Are
DeBlanc, Murphy & Murphy is a full-service accounting firm capable of providing clients with a wide range of financial services, including:
- Tax planning and preparation
- Private company and government audit & attestation services
- Accounting and bookkeeping
- Business consulting
- Personal financial planning
- Wealth management
- IRS representation
- Litigation support
- Fraud prevention & detection
- Expert witness services
- Cryptocurrency consulting
- Family office services
The firm was founded in 1978 with one goal in mind—to create value for clients so they can achieve their goals and objective. We’ve kept that same intention for decades and serve a wide range of clients (big and small) in diverse industries.